
ラベル(pictures of tropical rainforest animals and plants)が付いた投稿を表示しています

Pictures Of Amazon Rainforest Plants And Animals 113890-Pictures Of Tropical Rainforest Animals And Plants

13 Awesome And Interesting Facts About The Amazon Rainforest 8 Billion Trees Carbon Offset Projects Ecological Footprint Calculators  Trees like rubber trees, giant trees, Shorea trees, Banana Trees, cecropia trees, and giant red cedars are some important rainforest trees Plants are important for animal life Plants provide animals shelter and a place for predators The Amazon Rainforest is the best example of Tropical rainforest Epiphytes It is a plant the live on otherThe Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical forest on Earth, with the highest density of plant and animal species anywhere This impressive region provides essential ecological services, stabilizing the world’s rainfall patterns and storing massive amounts of carbon that mitigate climate change ABOVE The iconic jaguar is the cat species Pictures of tropical rainforest animals and plants